Project Overview

The proposed Moyvannan 110 kV Substation will connect to the existing Lanesborough to Athlone overhead transmission line and will facilitate the connection of the Seven Hills Wind Farm project to the national grid.

No additional overhead lines will be installed. Approximately 7.5km of underground electricity cable will connect the substation to an underground electricity cable at Brideswell, as part of the Seven Hills Wind Farm development.

This will help Ireland to reach its 80% renewable electricity target by 2030, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and increasing security of energy supply.

You can find out more about our Seven Hills Wind Farm development here

Click here to view map in greater detail. 

Location of proposed Moyvannan 110 kV Substation

Location of proposed Moyvannan 110 kV Substation

Map of proposed Moyvannan 110 kV Substation and Seven Hills Wind Farm development

Map of proposed Moyvannan 110 kV Substation and Seven Hills Wind Farm development

About the site

The proposed substation site is located within an agricultural field and has undergone extensive technical and environmental evaluation.  It was selected based on a number of key considerations: 

  • Proximity to the Seven Hills Wind Farm development and the existing Lanesborough to Athlone 110 kV overhead transmission line
  • Accessibility and proximity to main transport routes for the delivery of large components

The site has been subject to a comprehensive landscape and visual impact study to assess potential impacts on the landscape and sensitive receptors.

Click here to view map in greater detail.

Project details

The proposed Moyvannan ‘loop-in loop-out’ 110 kV Substation will comprise: 

  • A compound enclosed by security fencing and gates
  • An electrical control building containing electrical plant and equipment
  • Two interface masts, approx. 15 m high, and overhead electrical cables to facilitate connection to the existing 110 kV overhead line
  • Compound ancillary infrastructure will include busbars, line bays, surge arrestors, insulating and earthing equipment, circuit breakers, lighting stands and lightning masts
  • Approximately 7.5km of underground electricity cable, connecting the substation to an underground electricity cable at Brideswell as part of the Seven Hills Wind Farm development
  • Landscaping and screening measures, including hedgerow planting


Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR)

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report, or EIAR, is being compiled and will be submitted with this planning application. This report will examine the potential impacts which the proposed project could have on the environment and will include the following: 

  • Assessment of project alternatives
  • Description of the proposed development
  • Population and human health
  • Biodiversity
  • Land and soil
  • Water
  • Air quality and climate
  • Landscape
  • Cultural heritage
  • Noise and vibration    
  • Material assets 


What will the substation look like?

Photomontages taken from various vantage points will be included within the final planning application to help visualise what the Moyvannan 110 kV Substation will look like from different angles and locations around the site, which is screened by existing hedgerows.

These photomontages set the proposed substation design against the existing landscape and infrastructure and are best viewed on a large screen.

August 2024 update: We have uploaded the full set of photomontages taken from five different viewpoints around the site from the public road. You can view them here.

Download our project brochure here.

Planning Process

We are currently in consultation with An Bord Pleanála (ABP) to determine if the project will be classified as a Strategic Infrastructure Development, or SID. Where projects are designated SID, the planning application must be submitted directly to ABP. 

Once the planning application has been submitted to ABP, all associated documents will be available to view at the following locations: 

  • Roscommon County Council offices
  • The Offices of An Bord Pleanála
  • An Board Pleanála Online Planning Portal 

All planning documentation will also be uploaded to this website. 


A planning application for the proposed Moyvannan 110 kV Substation is due to be submitted to An Board Pleanála in the coming months. 

Construction of the substation will take approximately 18 months, starting with the initial site preparation for access, followed by construction of the substation compound and installation of associated electrical equipment. A traffic management plan will set out how we will manage construction traffic during construction and our community engagement team will liaise with local residents and businesses to minimise disruption.

For more FAQs, download our project brochure here.


Contact Details

If you have any questions about our solar developments or other renewable energy projects, please contact our Community Liaison Officers by email at, or phone +353 (0)87 9944952.

